Over 30 years of experience and quality

Founded in 1994 from the passion of shareholders to discover and offer consumers authentic and tasty flavors from around the world. Investments in processing and packaging technologies, innovative market strategies and attention to consumer needs are the ingredients of the success of this company, which is currently the market leader in dried fruit and one of the leading operators in the field of oil products.

Discover all Orlando’s products in an interactive catalog!

A balanced lifestyle

Distance should not be a hindrance to those who want to discover the authentic flavors of the most popular natural snacks in the world. That’s why Orlando’s set out to meet consumers’ needs with natural, nutritious, truly savory products brought from all the meridians.

The efforts of all the professionals in our team contribute to one goal – to always be the first choice of consumers, to exceed their expectations whenever they want to eat something healthy and full of flavor.

Natural snacks

It is our duty to ensure that all products that come to the kitchen, on the table or in the office, in the backpack or in the bag of natural snack lovers come from the most appreciated orchards, gardens and cultures. The quality of our products is one of the values that this company has founded. We believe that once you start on this road, our actions need to be convergent to one goal: meeting our commitments to our customers.

Respect for the environment is the company’s second fundamental value, one that guides us in business, because we recognize the importance of protecting ecosystems in the development of the whole of society.

Diversity of the offer

Orlando’s business is processing, packaging and selling natural snacks from dehydrated and oleaginous fruit, spices, sugar and best quality essences.

Orlando products are premium products processed and packaged with due attention to the satisfaction of all tastes of our consumers.

  • Excellence • dried fruits from famous regions

  • Snack • nuts, seeds and dried fruits, processed (roasted, baked and / or salted)

  • Dessert • dried fruits

  • Natural • nuts, dried seeds and fruits

  • Flavor • spices

  • Fancy • confectionery products, sugar or essences


Our strategy is not a secret one: we allocate significant resources to research and innovation, to continually prepare our specialists, cultivate passion for excellence, implement new reliable technologies, specific processing and packaging lines, use skills and alliances across the channel to optimize decisions, and investments for the benefit of customers.

Work processes

Orlando’s products are present in Romania, but also in other markets due to our exports to Central and Western Europe as well as to North America. To get them at the highest quality standards, we bring fruits, seeds, nuts, spices and pastry and confectionary ingredients from the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Central Asia and the Asia Pacific. Our long-standing relationships with growers and growers in these regions help us always have products that meet the highest quality standards.

Modern packaging design

After the fruits, seeds and nuts of our offer are tested and sorted, they are processed, depending on the type of product being prepared, each type of product being packed on a modern line specific to it. When ready, the products are packed in the bags and casserole of our brands or our partners.

The design of our packagings, either fully or partially customized, for foldable or stand up bags and for caseros, creates a powerful visual impact on the shelf, making sure that the snack lovers we prepare can easily see.

We bring excellence to the shelf

We allocate significant resources to research and innovation, continuous training of our specialists, cultivation of passion for excellence, implementation of new reliable technologies, specific processing and packaging lines, use of skills and alliances throughout the channel to optimize decisions and investments for the benefit of our clients.

Încredere la nivel internaţional

Orlando’s foloseste un sistem de management integrat și optimizează constant operațiunile de-a lungul procesului de producție pentru a asigura calitatea înaltă a produselor livrate clienților, magazinelor sau partenerilor noștri. Respectăm cerințele celor mai mari retaileri internaționali ce operează lanțuri de hypermarketuri și supermarketuri sau magazine cash & carry. Astfel că putem oferi consumatorilor produsele noastre sub brandurile Orlando’s, Nutco Fresh și Oblio, ori sub brandurile proprii ale magazinelor ca produse Private Label.

Controlorii nostri de calitate verifică, pe parcursul întregului proces tehnologic, parametrii produselor noastre. Acestea trebuie să respecte cerințe stricte atât pentru parametrii de igienă cât și tehnologici, ce asigură o calitate constantă.

Ne folosim de examinari prin cotraprobe pentru a fi siguri că putem oferi un răspuns satisfăcător în cazul unor eventual reclamații, de aceea analizăm produsele din momentul producției și până la data acestora de expirare. Practic, nu există vreun moment pe toată durata de valabilitate a unui produs, indiferent de tipul acestuia, pentru care să nu avem efectuate examinări ale calităților acestuia.

Customers rank first

We want to offer our customers quality products, so it is very important to find solutions for improving recipes. Our mission is to provide high-quality products, making it our understanding that our main priority is to improve the quality and taste of the products we offer.

We believe that our products are known because we listen carefully to consumers and respond to their needs. As a result, our team of specialists is constantly working to create new delicious products that meet the changing expectations and tastes of our customers.

research hours
lab tests
improved recipes

Innovation of recipes

The implementation of reliable processing and packaging technologies makes Orlando’s products of high quality, savory and affordable – as should healthy snacks.

Through the manufacture and marketing of products adapted to the preferences of Romanian consumers and by respecting the pace of development of the consumer power, we will continue the tradition of Orlando’s for products with a taste and superior quality.

CSR objectives

Compliance with our customers’ requirements as well as international quality standards for dehydrated fruits, spices, oil products and confectionery and pastry ingredients is a mandatory requirement for a successful business. We respect all of these things and, at the same time, we are committed to preventing environmental pollution. We accomplish this by adopting a series of measures to minimize the consumption of energy and resources involved in the production and distribution of Orlando products. We also minimized the waste resulting from technological operations and ensure that we are always in compliance with environmental legislation.

Proper resource management

Nature is a source of wealth and health, and it is important to protect it and ensure a good future for our children. The entire technological process involving Orlando products is a sustainable one that does not affect the health of the environment. We have already implemented strategies for waste management and we carefully follow the recommendations of the European Union’s environmental protection fora.

Regarding waste management, the company can boast of reducing policies by saving raw materials and packaging and preventing environmental pollution by minimizing consumption, emissions and waste generated by production processes.

We always deliver quality products

Orlando uses an integrated management system, which helps us respond quickly to market challenges and ensure that we always deliver quality products beyond our customers’ expectations. The integrated management system ensures compliance with food safety, health at work, environmental protection and metrology requirements.

A first way Orlando is trying to provide consumers with a healthier lifestyle is to improve the quality of their products by reducing salt, sugar and fat levels.

Quality management

Orlando has an Integrated Quality Management, being a certified ISO 9001-2015 company, IFS version 7, ISO 14001-2015, OHSAS 18001 -2007. Through this, we manage to fully anticipate and fully understand the needs of consumers to satisfy them with professionalism and promptness. We also minimize the negative impact on the health and well-being of the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and constantly observe compliance with all applicable directives and laws.

Surse sustenabile

Susținem dezvoltarea societății prin perfecționarea profesională a angajaților noștri dar și prin implementarea de soluții de protecție a mediului. Pe lângă politica noastră de mediu punem accent și pe implicarea individuală a angajaților noștri și susținem colectarea selectivă, separarea și procesarea deșeurilor.

În plus, suntem deschiși parteneriatelor cu instituții publice sau private ce au ca scop dezvoltarea durabilă și susținerea unor grupuri defavorizate.

Bunăstarea propriilor angajaţi

Orlando a adoptat o politică de aprovizionare responsabilă, prin care se asigură atât de faptul că furnizorii săi respectă drepturile omului și asigură condiții decente de muncă angajaților, cât și de faptul că mare parte din materia primă achiziționată provine din surse sustenabile.

În ceea ce priveste bunăstarea propriilor angajați, compania a creat un program pentru îmbunătățirea alimentației, a formei fizice și a stării lor mentale. Compania nu s-a oprit însă la a îmbunătăți viețile celor cu care colaborează în mod direct, ci și-a extins influența și asupra comunităților în care operează.

Where can you find us?

The efforts of all the professionals in our team contribute to achieving a single goal: to always be the first choice of consumers, to exceed their expectations when they want to eat something healthy and full of flavor.